
martes, 1 de marzo de 2016

Bernardo de Gálvez y Madrid, primer español ciudadano honorario de los EEUU

49º Virrey de Nueva España

Bernardo de Gálvez y Madrid

  I conde de Gálvez y vizconde de Galvestón 

nacido en Macharaviaya, Málaga, 23 de julio de 1746
fallecido en Tacubaya, México, 30 de noviembre de 1786 

48º Virrey de Nueva España

Matías de Gálvez y Gallardo
padre de Bernardo y antecesor en el Virreinato de Nueva España
nacido en Macharavialla (Málaga),1717, fallecido en Ciudad de México, 1784

Este ilustre malagueño es el único español que ostenta la ciudadanía honorífica norteamericana. 

 Solamente ocho personas en el mundo han alcanzado esta distinción.
  • Winston Churchill, (Gran Bretaña)
  • Raoul Wallenberg, (Suecia)
  • William Penn, (Gran Bretaña)
  • Hannah Callowhill Penn,(Gran Bretaña)
  • Teresa de Calcuta, (Macedonia)
  • General La Fayette, (Francia)
  • Kazimierz Pułaski, (Polonia)
  • Bernardo de Gálvez, (España)
Concesión de la ciudadanía honoraria de los EEUU a Bernardo de Gálvez y Madrid.

H. J. RES. 105
Conferring honorary citizenship of the United States on Bernardo de Gálvez y Madrid, Viscount of Galveston and Count of Gálvez.

Whereas the United States has conferred honorary citizenship on 7 other occasions during its history, and honorary citizenship is and should remain an extraordinary honor not lightly conferred nor frequently granted;
Whereas Bernardo de Gálvez y Madrid, Viscount of Galveston and Count of Gálvez, was a hero of the Revolutionary War who risked his life for the freedom of the United States people and provided supplies, intelligence, and strong military support to the war effort;
Whereas Bernardo de Gálvez recruited an army of 7,500 men made up of Spanish, French, African-American, Mexican, Cuban, and Anglo-American forces and led the effort of Spain to aid the United States’ colonists against Great Britain;
Whereas during the Revolutionary War, Bernardo de Gálvez and his troops seized the Port of New Orleans and successfully defeated the British at battles in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Natchez, Mississippi, and Mobile, Alabama;
Whereas Bernardo de Gálvez led the successful 2-month Siege of Pensacola, Florida, where his troops captured the capital of British West Florida and left the British with no naval bases in the Gulf of Mexico;
Whereas Bernardo de Gálvez was wounded during the Siege of Pensacola, demonstrating bravery that forever endeared him to the United States soldiers;

Whereas Bernardo de Gálvez’s victories against the British were recognized by George Washington as a deciding factor in the outcome of the Revolutionary War;
Whereas Bernardo de Gálvez helped draft the terms of treaty that ended the Revolutionary War;
Whereas the United States Continental Congress declared, on October 31, 1778, their gratitude and favorable sentiments to Bernardo de Gálvez for his conduct towards the United States;
Whereas after the war, Bernardo de Gálvez served as viceroy of New Spain and led the effort to chart the Gulf of Mexico, including Galveston Bay, the largest bay on the Texas coast;
Whereas several geographic locations, including Galveston Bay, Galveston, Texas, Galveston County, Texas, Galvez, Louisiana, and St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana, are named after Bernardo de Gálvez;
Whereas the State of Florida has honored Bernardo de Gálvez with the designation of Great Floridian; and
Whereas Bernardo de Gálvez played an integral role in the Revolutionary War and helped secure the independence of the United States: Now, therefore, be it That Bernardo de Gálvez y Madrid, Viscount of Galveston and Count of Gálvez, is proclaimed posthumously to be an honorary citizen of the United States.

monumento a Bernardo de Gálvez en Washington D.C.
Bernardo de Galvez the great spanish soldier carried out a courageous campaign in lands bordering the lower Mississippi. This masterpiece of military strategy heightened the pressure of the english in the war against the american settlers who were fighting for their Independence. May the estatue of Bernardo de Galvez serve as a reminder that Spain offered the blood of her soldiers for the cause of american Independence.
Excerps of a speech given on this location on june, 3, 1976 by His Majesty Don Juan Carlos I, King of Spain.
Sculptor Juan de Avalos.
Madrid, Spain.

monumento en Pensacola-Florida (EEUU)

monumento en Mobila-Alabama (EEUU)

monumento en Nueva Orleans-Luisiana (EEUU)

Placa dedicada a Bernardo de Gálvez en Nueva Orleans-Luisiana (EEUU)

Monumento a Bernardo de Gálvez en su pueblo natal Macharavialla (Málaga)

Tras mas de doscientos años, por fin se ha hecho justicia con este español, un verdadero GRANDE de la historia de España y de los EEUU. Su contribución decidida y exitosa en pro de los rebeldes americanos, facilitó la Independencia de las 13 colonias del Imperio Británico. 
Su intervención fue tan decisiva que en la parada militar con motivo del primer 4 de julio en Filadelfia, desfiló a la derecha del mismísimo George Washington. 
Los muros del Capitolio en Washington D.C. acogen ya un cuadro del héroe de la Independencia americana Bernardo de Gálvez y Madrid, tal y como aprobó el Congreso estadounidense el 9 de mayo de 1783, para honrar su  memoria. La ciudad de Galveston, lleva su nombre en memoria suya y en recuerdo de su bergantín, el "Galveztown" con el que tomó en solitario la bahía de Pensacola.


J.G.H. 2016

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